Friday, March 12, 2010

Visit to Congregation Sha'ar Zahav, San Francisco, CA

“…the Congregation of the Golden Gate, is a progressive Reform synagogue, established in 1977. We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual Jews, together with family and friends, both Jewish and non-Jewish. We come from a wide range of religious, ethnic, class and cultural backgrounds to worship God with egalitarian, feminist and gay-positive Jewish liturgy.
Please join us for our very special guest, Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe, the first female deaf ordained Rabbi in the world.
"I Heard God’s Call… A Sacred and Personal Story of Rabbi Rebecca L. Dubowe, the first deaf female ordained rabbi”

“Rabbi Dubowe will share her personal experiences and insights about the importance on inclusion especially in the Jewish community The Baal Shem Tov said: It is not good to be alone, for one cannot know one’s differences. Other people are mirrors, in which one can discover their own differences by observing the acts of others." Rabbi Dubowe will address the great needs of those who are alone because of their differences. Are our synagogue doors open wide enough to welcome all who want to embrace Judaism and be a part of the Jewish community?

Following Shabbat services will be an informal Q&A discussion with Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe. All are welcome.”


  1. Rebecca - it is a delight to follow your speaking tour journey.

  2. Rabbi Dubowe, wishing you and yours a sweet Pesach. It has been a treat reading your full of enthusiasm and joy.

    We miss you at Torah Study but are soldiering on in your absence. Each of the leaders has been bringing her own method to the teaching and sharing sessions. Maggie focused on "footnotes." I focused on "Contemporary Readings." The discussions have been good as we do our best during the constraints of one hour.

    Unfortunately I had to miss one session because there was no place to park and I cannot park off the property and walk a block or more.

    I dare say the "students" are getting to know one another better and that is good.

    Continue enjoying your travels and interactions with so many interesting people and sites.


  3. Great to see you are on the road spreading the word of your amazing lifestyle. Proud to know you and your family, Rabbi Dubowe.
    May All Your Dreams Come True,
    CSC, RID Sign Interpreter
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